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Friday, January 23, 2015

"Words' that Linger"

2015 began with this thought..
"I need to get back to the basics."

It is still true. 
Even past the broken resolutions.

It is true and it is still time!!... go to that place....
Yet, I find, a need 
to understand the "how" of getting there.
You see, the idyllic resolutions most of us make somehow get buried in chocolate cake, missed gym appointments and broken promises.
They hide beneath defeated thoughts and unworthiness.
They become hidden under the well ridden mantra of 
'oh well-there's always next year' pile....

As many of us find ourselves..

I also feel a bit overwhelmed when trying to change a process.
Fact is!!!
I am overwhelmed...

Overwhelmed with details and messy ways.
It's past time to clear the clutter!
When we have been doing things 
our way for quite a while.
It's not always easy to get to get back to the basics
that lay deep, within a well...
layered with self sufficiency.

I think if we are honest with ourselves, we know that it is time!!

It IS time!! go to that place that prevents us from living free.

Some of my readers are believers in Christ-some are not...
But, I must say...
I think the 'cool' thing about being a believer, is that God is in the business of do-overs, second chances, and fresh starts.
I find myself relishing in the fact that He sees time totally different than me.

He is willing to show us 'how'-if....we are willing to look 'to' Him.
And the fact that He sees time differently, helps us to understand why He is so willing to allow us to begin fresh every time.

As I made my resolutions to come back to center.-
I realized that 'center' is at the very heart of who I am. 
Center is where everything makes sense.
It's where I find Him...
And to find the 'how'.....??
I MUST find the source.

There is a scripture that has been lightly referred to as God's phone number..
"Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things 
you do not know."
(Jeremiah 33:3)

The One who created our heart to live and love
is the only One who can the reveal the 'how'.

Call Him!!
He alone peels back the layers.

Word by Holy Word..
Piece by piece..
Layer by layer....
He gives us words....
Individual words.
Words that play lightly at the corners of our mind.

He gives us "His Word"...

His Word will linger and loosen us..
'If'...we will let Him.

What word has He given you?
Defined by many-lived by few...
is a beautiful word called Grace.

Coming back to center can never just be about the resolution..
Instead it is His grace filled love
we find when we begin to let "Him" dig.

When our resolve is lost, forgotten or given up on-
We often give up....finding
ourselves sitting frustrated amidst layers of could haves', should haves'.....and if only.... 

Coming back to center is about this amazing giving and receiving of HIS grace...
It is breathing and letting ourselves bask in HIS love.
It is about searching out 
that which matters most.

He is!! the Word that the messiness of life.
He is!! the One who restores...when hope seems lost..

He loves us through each unraveled layer .
Exposing us to the fresh air of freedom and grace.

Thats what it's about!

Remember: Slowly and surely...allow "Him" to love you through the process..
one grace filled layer at a time.

Application: If resolutions have gone awry-and the clutter returns...
Do not put them in that pile. Instead-choose Christ! 
Choose to breathe and begin again with Him at center....

Linger with Him....
Begin here...

1 Corinthians 2:7-13


  1. I love that line "God is in the business of do-overs . . . " And thank you, God, for that.

  2. Anne,
    Thanks for stopping by. I love the fact that HE REALLY the business of do-overs!!! too!!!
    Have a wonderful week..🌹

  3. Yes, I too believe that "God is in the business of do-overs". I'm not sure how you are making out with your resolutions but if you are still feeling overwhelmed don't be too hard on yourself. Just pick one thing to work on and figure out what to do about it each day. Once you've got that one under control, add the next thing and so on. It is too much for many of us to try and change too many things at once. If we don't quite get something moving forward one day/week or month, we can try to relax and just keep it in mind and move it forward when we can. God bless you as you move forward.


Please take a moment to tell me how you are, I would love to hear from you.