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Sunday, September 6, 2015

"A Ripple in Austin"

It is a Sunday morning, and as I begin this beautiful week. God has used a man named Jae, to remind me (yet again) that even though life has unexpected turns and bumps,...
It often comes down to this one thing.

It is ALWAYS how we choose to react that determines the ripple effect we leave behind.

I am getting ready to head out to church in a few. And I am leaving the house with a fresh awareness to choose my attitude well.

This man took a raucous, sleepless night and turned it into 'lessons learned' in more ways than one. 

While the rest of his world slept, he faced his circumstance with an inexhaustible sense of humor that has invariably left many with a sense of hope that perseverance in light of adversity will always ripple, paying it forward every time.

His actions remind me that when turbulence hits, sometimes you just have to hold on, cause eventually the plane will land.

He left a ripple in Austin, that ultimately reminds us yet again.
Life often comes down to that 'one thing';

'The ripple left behind'.

Do a deed of simple kindness,
Though its end you may not see;
It may reach, like widening ripples,
Down a long eternity.  —Norris

Colossians 3:23
"Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people."

Remember: Everyone will leave their mark!

Application: Choose daily to self check your actions, all the while remembering that perseverance in light of adversity will have its reward.

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