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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

"Paris, When the Unthinkable Happens Again."

I titled this page a week ago, just after the senseless and brutal attacks within the midst of the precious souls in the city of light and love, which happens to be one of our greatest allies in the world. 

The title reflects previous assaults attempted and otherwise.
And yet as the the sun rises here in the western world 
it is apparent that the word 'again' is sadly, quite appropriate.

France. A country in which I have traveled with my husband,
through quaint hamlets.
Paris. A place where I have laid my head at night with memories of the great and glittering Eiffel Tower dancing in the corners of my mind has been struck with terror.

I have wandered through this exotic location filled with the sights and smells of old world Europe and have met a wonderfully delightful and polite people.
This country is rich in history.
It is a culture of people who have stood solemnly with America in many of our darkest days.

The overwhelming sense of loss and fear is reverberating across oceans.

And yet, as in all loss, we often seek rationale for a sense of comfort.

I heard a quote from a Parisian.
He said. "I don't understand!
We are such a tolerant country! How could this happen here.?"
Maybe there is a clue in the offering of this question.

When you have a home without borders, a place where most is tolerated. Evil will eventually find it's way to linger back and forth. It will conspire against the very core of what makes that very place so desirable.

The immediate response of France was to close the borders.
Sadly, it is a bit late.
Evil has ensconced itself and is now positioned to operate from within.

The truth is; there is little comfort in the light of such atrocity.
Fortunately, however there is a place of quiet rest.

In Matthew 10:28
"Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell."

The one place of solace 
we often find is in the appeal to a greater source beyond ourselves.

It is in the quiet place of our prayers that we find the One who can give "beauty for ashes and strength for fear"

It is our gratified hope in the One True God who tells us to never walk in fear, 
but instead to raise our eyes to the heavens. It is here that we find the God of all comfort.

He speaks though His eternal word that our souls shall never die.
The real battle we all face is that which is rising within.
It is the battle for the soul.

Just like the closed borders of France, we must ask ourselves what are we trapping within ourselves, when our spiritual boundaries have been closed to the only One who can bring light and love to the fortified city within our own heart?

This battle is so much greater than physical boundaries.
We must appeal to the supernatural and all powerful God of the heavens to enter in and begin a revolution of love within.
Not a revolution of tolerance, nor a revolution to make all things gray, but instead a revolution of a godly people determined to love the precepts of Jehovah God!
The God of Abraham and Isaac.
The God who willingly came to earth to battle the war that wages in the hearts and souls of man.

The earthly battles will rise "again".
We will hear of war and rumors of war.

Do not be misled.
Ephesians 6:12

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

Are you positioned to handle the assault?
If not, it will not matter how tolerant you are.  
But it will matter with Whom you position yourself.

It will matter that the freedom in which you seek to live and the freedom that is sought for destruction be so deeply imbedded within you that it will be impossible to destroy for your border is fortified in Christ alone.

For there is nothing formed against Him (or you) that shall stand!!!

Go in peace this day, with your eyes raised to the heavens.

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