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Wednesday, November 11, 2015

"Standing Alone?" A Message From the Girls

Written for a friend, when she received a 'text' message 
from a full grown man who failed to see that "how" a relationship ends 
is equally as important as the fanfare in which it began; 

Indeed, a true reflection of exactly who he was all along.

Here's to truth! 

AND TO ALL; if you find yourself at the other end of a broken relationship,
remember it is always better to stand with the right ONE, then to stumble along with the wrong one.

Remember, a true hero will always run TO your rescue, never 'away'.

Song of Solomon 7:10
"I am my Beloved's and HIS desire is towards me"


Well boys. It's called life.
Highs mixed with lows and joy mingled in sorrow.

When you finally see yourself as a man, 
then you will begin to realize 
how important it is to embrace 
ALL of life!

The ups and downs
The cloudy and the clear.

You will finally learn that rain sometimes falls 
from within silver lines. 

Billowing clouds rolled,
thunder and lightning raged.
The rain fell.

And you left her standing alone.

But as sure as the dawn, 
the sun will shine again
and the breeze 
will blow gently yet....
upon a new day.

New horizons healing the soul.

Too bad you didn't hold onto her during the storm.
Because now 
you will miss the glorious rainbow 
that is often seen shining 
through the misty hues of tempest tossed skies.

You will never again 
hold her as the morning dawns 
or the sun sets over your day.

And she will rise without you.

Hope filled.
She will never stand alone.

Created as the culmination of God's creation. 
She walks with Him.

Embraced by the One who has held her through the storms 
He wisely knows full well 
the clouds were 
never meant to stay.

Too bad you missed that.
When you ran the other way.

S. Marx 11/11/16 

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