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Sunday, May 19, 2013

"A Lifeline in the Stars"

Have you ever reached out for someone to hold you?
Tried to something on a shelf..that was just out of reach?
Remembered words spoken, or actions taken and thought ..if only'...

Sometimes  life feels like, it is just out of reach
Sometimes we find ourselves in this place....
Caught between now and forever...

 As I peer into the vastness of the night sky..I find myself trying to imagine forever.....,

I have the knowledge that the space before me continues "forever"
And yet my mind cannot seem to grasp nor truly understand that it is so...

Listening to the waves crash continually upon the shore in a rhythmic pattern..unceasing and consistent gently reminds me there is a pattern ..a plan...a time for all things..

A time for now..a time for 'forever'
Sometimes I chuckle at myself..
I cannot even understand "now",
Yet, I often find myself contemplating "forever"
And yet I believe ..
The God of the universe has created us with forever etched deeply in our hearts...

And so we find ourselves again and again reaching for stars
and gazing longingly into the night
It is the way we are made
The way we are designed...

Made in His image we are connected to forever by a single lifeline..
A lifeline that has been thrown to us when we find ourselves sinking...

A lifeline that is sometimes questioned ignored and thrown back
as we fling wildly about in deep waters..trying desperately to save ourselves..

He alone is our connection to eternity
It is for Him alone....that all that was..
Or will be....
Be for Him

Though We lack the understanding...
We are forever known by the one who understands us
and our frail condition, when no one else does

In this moment
In the here and the now
We can see beyond the sunset
We can see the blue sky and believe ....
beyond,...which we can understand.

The truth is still the unending truth
The night sky filled unabashedly with myriads of stars, planets and galaxies
beyond our comprehension..
An elegant display of His handiwork...

Humbly we bow and live in this moment

Sometimes life still feels as though it is just out of reach
But when you find yourself reaching to His deliberately placed lifeline
Maybe for the first time you begin to see beyond the stars to the very One who made them
To the very One who loved you enough to allow you to reach back...

Read through Psalm 139:1-18
There lays the secret of a love so fierce that since before time began ..
He chose you for eternity.

He is calling you for a higher purpose.
He is calling you for His purpose.
You--are not, nor have ever been out of His reach.

He calls you lovingly by shall you answer...??

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