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Sunday, August 23, 2015

"Who Can I Turn To?"

2 Chronicles 20: 31-33

As I read the words, I knew my Father was reminding me that this journey we call life is always, ultimately about my walk with Him.

My own walk!

I peered over the ledge of the balcony, as the ocean waves crashed against the shore. The early warm breeze of summer caressed my face, whispering a windswept melody past my ears.
I silently inhaled the sweet scent of summer while everyone slept.
And I listened.
I listened for His voice as I opened my Bible.

And just like Jehoshaphat, as I exhaled I knew that regardless of anyone else, I had my purpose. 
"To do what was right in the sight of the Lord"

Too many times we wait on others to understand their journey before we find peace in our own.
We forget, that in the end, it is always between us and Him.
And as we read in today's scripture.
Jehoshaphat reigned well, even while those within his kingdom had chosen not to set their hearts on the God of their fathers. 
He still continued to listen.
He still worked tirelessly.

We too, have been given a kingdom to oversee. We will each reign over our own kingdoms for only so long.

Regardless of what others do, say or think, we must choose to reign wisely.
(Even though, "For as of yet, they had not taken away 'their' high places.")

Ask yourself, are there certain someones' in your kingdom running their own little operations? No matter how you have tried, they insist on doing it their way?

Remember, that is their high place. 
Father will deal with each of us alone. 
Simply purpose yourself to listen for His still small voice.

Our purpose is to direct our heart to the God of our fathers and to simply "do what is right."

A wise lady once told me, 
"you have to let God be God!", 
and that includes giving all those over in your life (in your kingdom), 
to a God who can love them more intensely than you are even capable.
It includes allowing Him to clean out the high places.
(that would be anything that sets itself up as a place that causes God to become anything less than 1st place)
of your own heart.

Consider the wisdom of Jehoshaphat, though not perfect, He followed hard after God.
2 Chronicles 22:9
tells us simply, that he had his testimony. 
"He sought the Lord with all of His heart"

Reign over the kingdom given you in your lifetime, and walk your walk with the One who has given you your territory. 

Allow God to be the windswept melody that caresses the corners of your heart as you continue to do right. 

Be encouraged this day. 
You have your own kingdom. 
It comes down to you and Him. He is always ultimately in charge. 

Follow Him and His ways, and He will show you exactly 
where you need to be, 
how you need to be and 
who you need to be.

If you are not sure where to turn. Get your Bible and get alone with Him.
As sure as the ocean breeze, He is waiting to meet you, as you peer over the ledge into your future.

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