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Wednesday, July 6, 2016

"A Child of Surrender"

They say 'feelings' come and go.
But truth will always remain the same.

It was 6 years ago today that I posted this quote from President Lincoln.

"I have been driven many 
times to my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go. 
My own wisdom, and that of all about me seemed insufficient for the day."
 ~Abraham Lincoln 

At first glance, it seems that our desire to humble ourselves in surrender is the result of a feeling.
But what I find interesting is that the desire to surrender never changes, when to the end of ourselves we come.

If praying on our knees were only the result of feeling, than there would be no long term effect.
In fact, the 'need' to fall at the feet of my creator God, 
is always at the core of who I am. 
This place of submission is also the secret to becoming the person you and I have always 'wanted' to be.

There is no other place in this world that centers me and brings me peace, as being on my knees and abandoning my 'wise and learned thoughts' 
to His wisdom.

Often, when I fall on my knees before Him, it is because of a 'felt need'.
But today I realized that falling before him never really happens because of a feeling. 
It happens because of the need.

Letting God be God is not a feeling that comes and goes, it is the essence of who we can 

Today, before you venture one moment further. 
Bow before Him and give it up.
Just give it up!!!
Because whatever or whomever has your attention was never really yours to begin with.
And the desire to control will prevent you from becoming His child of surrender.
A place where the opportunities are endless.

Rest easy 'knowing' it is all His.
And your feelings WILL catch up with the truth.
So choose now to hold on to the truth when you're on Your knees.
Where else really..can you go?

Psalm 139: 9,10
"If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there,
your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast."

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