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Sunday, February 12, 2017

"Living in the Shadows"

❤️️Do You Doubt, His ❤️ 

Have you ever wondered, what is beyond the shadows?
There is always light behind shadows.

Some of us have lived in the shadows for so long, that we have become accustomed to the dusky darkness
Truth and light 
lay gloriously beyond the shadowy lives of who we secretly 
fear we've become.
If you have been scraping by in a shadowy 'existence'...the truth remains the same.
His light reaches every one!!
for a shadow to exist, there MUST be light.
And light my friend,
is far reaching and doesn't pick and choose.

Light illuminates
even the darkest of corners.
with shades of hope.
And Light is incredibly fast!!
It literally travels 186,282 miles per second!
His light and healing is like going back in time to heal the oldest of wounds.
It is no accident that Jesus reminded us Who He is, in a way we can understand.

In John 8:12, He said,
“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

His light reaches us, no matter who we are, or what we have been through.
He simply says...
"follow Me".

That's it..follow Him!
You will finally begin to see your own truth when His hope and light begins to shine into you.
The plan for who you truly are meant to be, is still unfolding.
Don't let the past define you!!!!!
Take your first step from the shadows.
Step into His light, 
You will find your way to Him.
Follow Him.

1 Peter 2:9
"But you (your name goes here❤️️)
are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light."

Do you doubt that He has ever loved you?
It's easy to do, when you live in the shadows. 
It is chillingly cold there.
But He knows.
He knows!!!!
He knows and understands that in this sometimes hideously imperfect world you will be wounded.
He completely understands your fear and frustration and confusion.
And He is calling you out of the darkness!!!!!

If you will bring your brokenness before Him, 
He will chart a new course for you..He will lead you into the sweetness of life that you dreamt was only for others.

He understands that you fear you are a disappointment to Him. 
You are not!!!! 
You see, HE sees the finished work in you, even when you cannot.
He is the hope, truth and light beyond the pain.
No matter what has entangled you.
Call His name, 
and in an instant and faster than the speed of light,
His healing will begin!!!!
Continue to call His name..

There is always hope, 
when and if...
you come before Him honestly.

He steps in to 'your shadowy living' and gently leads you to the fullness of the light.
His light.
His freedom.

He offers redemption.
He is constant, steady and true.
He loves that somewhere inside of you,
you are still seeking Him and His ways....... "
(I mean really, would you have gotten this far, if you weren't 'still' seeking Him?)

As sure as the sun rises and sets...
so too shall you!!!!

You will 'rise' from where you have been.
And you will 'set' with Him in peace.
"All things will be made new."

"I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns."
Phillipians 1:6

Surround yourself with people whom strive to reflect Christ. Surround yourself with those who will not simply tell you what you want to hear, but will instead speak with love what you need to hear.
Make a movement toward healing.
Move from the shadows of your doubting toward the light.
If you need a trusted friend to speak with, I encourage you to seek godly counseling.

He is...exactly who He says He is!!!

Jeremiah 31:3

"The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying: "I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing love"

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