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Friday, March 6, 2015

"The March of the Lemmings"

So what exactly is a lemming?

As so much in life, the older we become the more we realize 
what we do not know and the more we begin to understand that we, as the created ones, have much to learn from others.
Even a lemming. 

The lemmings are a migratory animal/rodent found near the Arctic,that when migrating,
jump off cliffs, to their deaths. Their impending doom is the result of their migratory behavior. Driven by strong biological urges, some species of lemmings may migrate in large groups when population density becomes too great.
Lemmings can swim and may choose to cross a body of water in search of a new place to live. In many cases they drown if the body of water is so wide as to stretch their physical capability to the limit. 

So, in short, 
they follow the crowd, regardless of reason 
and they overestimate their own ability.

As I consider their plight,
I am taken back to the night, when I awakened with an understanding and an awareness of a dream that has stayed with me for years.

I don't remember how old I was...
but I do remember the dream.
Vividly....even after all these years.

Slow and methodically...
I followed a path set before me. Lulled into a sense of complacency...

I do not question..
I only know...
that I am following.

I follow closely.

It seems we are marching 
in the sense....
that we are in a line.
I feel like it is normal
until...I turn a corner...
My eyes.....
behold a fearsome scene.
One by one those ahead 
are dropping like robots over the edge into a flaming fire, brimming and bubbling with an endless and unforgiving depth of unrelenting pain. 
Fear pricks at my heart.
I inhale a quick breath.
Suddenly aware...
I am coming ever closer.
The vastness of the burning lake lapps at eternity and is waiting for me.
I begin to shudder.
Fear and regret are swallowing me whole.
If only.....
I had looked up.
If only I had paid attention...
My breaths are coming in quick succession .
I can't get out of line...
Tears fill my eyes as they dart back and forth.
And then,
as sure as the rising sun,
I feel a gentle intensity upon my right shoulder.
I look!
It is Him!!
It's really Him.
Humbled and amazed,
I know it is time.

His voice is clear and pure.

"You don't have to be here"
I realize...In an instant
Somehow I had lost my way...
He is my deliverer!
He has been with me all along.
My rescue is imminent.
If-....I choose the road He traveled.
I need only to listen, recognize and accept His forgiveness.

He is willing.
And He is not late.
His timing is perfection.
I awaken..

All I could think is wow!
It's taken me years to put this dream into words. 

My fate seemed set!
Set firmly with the plight of the lemmings...
rushing unaware and head long for the cliff.
But for Jesus....

Created with purpose...
We are headed somewhere..
Each of our lives are.....migrating towards something.

Will we follow the crowd?
Will we overestimate our own ability?
Or will we choose to trust in the One who knows more than we know...
the One who calls us to follow the narrow road...all the while never thinking more highly of ourselves than we should'?

His timing is perfect....
And HE is ever so willing to gently touch you on the shoulder.
Reminding you..."this is the Way"

John 10:28
I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand.

Application: Read Luke 15:4-7

And ask yourself what crowd have I been running with?
What have I allowed to carry me or keep me from the truth? 
It is time to look to the One to whom speaks life and freedom to your soul.

Remember: Petra 
The Road to Zion


  1. What a beautiful story of redemption. So poetic!

  2. Thank you for reading. Encouragement is a gift that keeps us moving forward. I am thankful for that dream, all those years ago.
    Have a wonderful day.

  3. I saw your post on Google +. Here's a link to the Alaska Fish and Wildlife News about the myth of the lemmings "committing mass suicide." You might be surprised / horrified when you read the truth behind the Disney documentary from the '50's. And, I'm a Disney fan, but this was no laughing matter. It was my teenage son who first alerted me to it. Your message is still clear and a blessing to those who read it. Tina - Amanda's Books and More
    Alaska Fish and Wildlife News:

  4. I totally agree Christina!
    I read that exact article. Very sad, the way they handled their filming. I was very careful to avoid the myrh. Thank you for taking the time to stop by. So easy to get caught in the crowd.

  5. What a dream, Jesus calling you to redemption. And the story of the Lemmings, with their group-instinct is related to your dream. I love the part when you were seeming pulled out from the death march.



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