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Saturday, December 3, 2016

"Beyond the Fringe"

Many years ago, I went to the beautiful coastal city of 'Emerald Isle' in North Carolina with family.
The sun was warm and the weather inviting. And I was 'oh so content' to sit safely under my colorful umbrella and snap picturesque photos of everyone around me laughing and jumping wildly in the ocean. 

Apparently, there was more to be enjoyed and my husband was really wanting me to share in the beauty from a different perspective. He encouraged me to wade into the sheltered inlet.
He assured me the path on the ocean floor was solid enough to get to the area where they had all gathered to play on the raised plateau.

Reluctantly, I agreed.
Secretly, I was excited.
I held onto his hand tightly as we forged ahead, the waves lapping gently sometimes as high as my waist as we entered the area just before the sand bar.
I have never been a big fan of open waters so this was quite a testimony of trust on my part.
We continued.
I could feel the sands shifting beneath my feet.
But I held on to his hand, trusting.
Finally, I could feel solid rock actually beneath me and the water that had been lapping at my waist seemed not so formidable as we stepped up and raised ourselves upon the solid ground.

Suddenly, I was certain the journey through shifting sand was worth it.
Now, it was my turn to laugh and become part of the picture.

To become part of the unfolding story absolutely required me to step out in faith.
It beckoned me to trust someone who had been there before me.  
The view from the plateau was awesome and the ground I found myself standing on was solid and sure.

Do you ever find yourself wondering?
Wondering why you cannot seem to get past that deep place, just before the sandbar?  

Something will happen, and you find yourself in 'that place' once again.
Kind of stuck in a 'routine' that has you bogged down?

Have you been there?
Are you there now? 

Life is like sitting at the edge of the ocean on a sandy beach.
Camera in hand...
The waves roll in and the sand shifts beneath your feet.
Everyone around you is living and laughing.
And you are taking pictures.
Comfortable? Sure.
And, there is a time and a place for that.
But there is also a time to go.

When you are beckoned to change your perspective by someone who knows you
and you know you can trust them.
Live and enjoy.

Be in someone else's picture.

It is a little startling and we may stumble.
But we are always left with a choice.
To stay or to go when we are being called.

We can focus on the immovable rock beneath the plateau, or we can fear the currents of change.

The serene. The unchanging. The steady. The predictable.....really is wonderful.
But when you throw in a sweet surprise every now and then, the view from there cannot be beat.

If any part of this spoke to you, then just maybe, there is One who is calling you to live beyond the fringe,
He is calling your name and saying, "will you trust Me?. I have been there, Come with Me and live.'

Will you join Him on a journey to that deeper place?
A place where you turn and see that LIVING isn't just for everyone else?
When Jesus said, in the Bible (from John chapter 10 verse 10)

"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full".

He meant me.
He means you.

Continue the journey with me as I share different perspectives,
May your road be blessed as you reach for His Hand.

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